Lottery Credit Information

You are eligible for the state lottery credit if:

  • You are a Wisconsin resident, the owner of the dwelling, and use the dwelling as your primary residence as of January 1st of the year in which the property taxes are levied (The lottery and gaming credit cannot be claimed on business property, rental units, vacant land, garages, or other property that is not the primary residence of the owner)
  • You may also claim a lottery credit if you moved into your home during 2023 and you can attest that to the best of your knowledge the previous owner used the property as their primary residence (The lottery credit is not available for new construction that was completed after January 1st).

Claim a Lottery Credit

If the lottery credit is not on your tax bill, you may apply for the credit at the Town Hall, or obtain the Lottery Credit Claim Form (LC-100) from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website. The Town cannot accept lottery credit requests after January 31, 2024.

After January 31, 2024, if you qualified for a 2023 lottery credit but did not have one on your tax bill, you can fill out a Late Lottery Credit Form (LC-300) from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue to request the credit. These forms are available from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (608-266-4151) after January 31, 2024. Claim forms must be sent to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. The deadline for the Late Lottery Credit is October 1, 2024.