- This meeting has passed.
Planning Commission Meeting
September 5, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Agenda subject to change prior to official posting
Standing Agenda
A. Reading and approval of Agenda
B. Public comments and correspondence
C. Reading and approval of meeting minutes
- August 1, 2023 Regular Meeting minutes
- August 1, 2023 Smith CUP application Public Hearing minutes
- August 1, 2023 Worshop and Ordinance Revisions Public Hearing minutes
D. Zoning Administrator’s Report, and:
- Discussion on how the Ordinance may regulate a proposed dog park
- Discussion on procedure for a CUP application received in August that will be impacted by changes to Articles IV not yet in effect at time of application
- Discussion on procedure for a potential after-the-fact CUP application
- Determining setbacks for a new Principal Structure on Rest Lake Road
E. Secretary’s Report, and:
- Secretary’s timesheet approval
- Printing copies of the revised Ordinance
The following items may be considered for discussion and/or action
Unfinished Business
1. Policies and Procedures relating to approved changes to Articles IV, V, and X
New Business
- Ordinance defiinition of a structure
- Updating/modifying terms of Planning Commission Secretary contract
Confirm Agendas for next regular meeting and any planned special meetings